Egypt Bingo - Review Game for Ancient Egypt with game board, questions, and answers Illustration

Egypt Bingo

Egypt Bingo
Unit Review Game with Questions, Answers, and Game Board

See Egypt Bingo Board at the bottom of this page for example board

This lesson takes two or three lesson periods (depending upon the number of 6th-graders involved.)

I started by breaking up the class into small groups (3 or 4 students.) I had each group write down a minimum of 5 questions about ancient Egypt, specifying that each question must have a one word answer. This took about 15 minutes. I did this for two of my classes (I have 5). This gave me a base of about 30 - 35 questions. There were, of course, many duplicates.

We then continued with our other activities.

To my next two classes, I distributed blank "Egypt Bingo" cards, pieces of paper, each designed like a bingo card (a 5 square x 5 square grid, with a free space in the middle.)

I then read the questions from my first two class, to my next two classes, and had them vote on each question - was it a fair question or not.

If they decided it was a fair question, I would circle it (for later printing on cut out circles.) Then, I had these students write 24 different answers on each card, one answer per square, in any order. This ensured a random arrangement of answers on each card. I had instructed the students to print extremely neatly. Between the two classes, I now had over 50 game cards.

I laminated these cards so that I could reuse them.

After cleaning up the questions and printing them onto cutout circles (which you can have your students make), we were ready to play.

Place the questions into something that is opaque, from which you can drawn your question cards. Have one student, in each class, draw and read the questions. The remaining students play Egypt Bingo, marking each answer, when appropriate, on their game card.

The students worked very hard to achieve a bingo, as their prize, as a "bingo" game winner, was a homework pass (one free homework assignment.)

This activity is an extremely fun way to review a unit, or review for a test, as we did, for our 6th grade Ancient Egypt test, below.

These are the questions
my students created for Egypt Bingo:

1. Which King united Upper and Lower Egypt?
Answer: Menes (or Namar)

2. Where are Pharaohs Buried?
Answer: Tombs or Pyramids

3. On which continent is Egypt?
Answer: Africa

4. What is the longest river in the world?
Answer: The Nile

5. What is Khoh?
Answer: A dark eye cosmetic

6. What is a Scarab?
Answer: A Beetle

7. What desert borders Egypt in the west?
Answer: The Sahara

8. When did most Egyptian girls get married?
Answer: At age 12

9. What is papyrus?
Answer: A reed that Egyptians used to make a type of paper.

10. Why is King Tut famous?
Answer: His treasure was found intact.

11. Name an Egyptian board game that is kind of like checkers.
Answer: What is Senet?

12. This is a device made out of sticks and a stone that the Egyptians used to move water.
Answer: Shadduf

13. Who invented the Pyramid?
Answer: Imhotep

14. How long has the first pyramid been in existence if it was built in 2055bc?
Answer: 4052 years

15. Which Pharaoh had over 100 wives and almost 200 children?
Answer: Ramses the II

16. Thoth had the head of what type bird?
Answer: An Ibis

17. Who found King Tut’s tomb?
Answer: Howard Carter

18. Which Egyptian god had the head of a Hawk?
Answer: Horus

19. Who is the Egyptian god of the underworld?
Answer: Osiris

20. Which Pharaoh had the most children (almost 200)?
Answer: Ramses II

21. A mummy is wrapped in how many yards of linen?
Answer: 400

22. Egyptian embalmers used what type of salt to dry out a body?
Answer: Natron

23. What was the Egyptian sun god called?
Answer: Ra or Amon Re

24. How did the sun move across the sky?
Answer: In the Solar boat

25. Which Egyptian god was the guardian of the Underworld and had the head of a Jackal?
Answer: Anubis

26. What shape were the pyramids built in?
Answer: Triangle

27. What do we call Egyptian writing?
Answer: Hieroglyphics


No answers are included for the test questions below.
(If you don't know the answers, look them up!)

Matching. Write of the letter of the statement in column B
that best describes the item in column A.

Column A Column B
1. King Menes____ A. Egyptian god with the head of a hawk
2. Cataract______ B. Invented the pyramid as a tomb
3. Imhotep_____ C. A place in a river filled with rapids and waterfalls
4. Scarab_____ D. A large black beetle
5. Horus_____ E. The first king of a united Egypt

Fill in the blank. Write in the word that best fits in the sentence.

6. ____________ is an Egyptian cosmetic.

7. _________________ discovered King Tut’s tomb.

8. The longest river in the world is the _______.

9. A ___________ is a device used to move water using a lever, bucket, and counterweight.

10. A reed that Egyptians used to make boats, shoes, houses and paper is ___________.

Multiple choice: Circle the most correct answer.

11. The desert to the west of Egypt is called

a. the Gobi desert.
b. the Arabian desert.
c. the Sahara desert.
d. the Yucca desert.

12. The Egyptian god of scribes, who had the head of an Ibis is

a. Thoth
b. Ptah
c. Set
d. Anubis

13. The egypt’s and the Egyptians both invented what

a. Chewing gum
b. Chariots
c. crossbows
d. lunar calendars

14. The Egyptian symbol for life is called what?

a. Ankh
b. Circle and key
c. Ox
d. Crook

15. How long did it take to prepare an Egyptian mummy?

a. 7 months
b. 30 days
c. 70 days
d. 7 weeks

True or False: Circle either true of false.

16. Howard Carter died shortly after finding King Tut’s tomb, a victim of the Mummies curse.

a. true
b. false

17. Ra or Amon Re, the sun god pulled the sun across the sky in the solar boat.

a. true
b. false

18. Egyptian girls mostly married by age 12.

a. true
b. false

19. When there was no mummy buried there, priests used the pyramids as a place to live.

a. true
b. false

20. It took about 400 yards of linen to wrap up a mummy.

a. true
b. false

Short answer: Fill in the blank with the correct word or words.

21. The skirt like garment that men wore is called a ___________.

22. The Egyptian god who guarded the mummy, and had the head of a Jackal was called _____________.

23. One of the favorite Egyptian foods was ______________.

24. The yearly flooding of the Nile river was called what by

25. This annual flooding left _____________________ behind allowing Egyptians to farm.

Essay Questions: Answer the following essay questions in paragraph form. You do not need to write the question; however, I should be able to tell which essay you are answering by your first sentence.

1. Describe Egyptian daily life to include: what they ate, families, what they wore, where most people worked. how they played.

2. Describe the process of mummification, including the reasons for it.

For complete units, lesson plans and additional activities on Ancient Egypt, plus links to detailed information on Egyptian Pharaohs, Gods, Daily Life, and for lesson plans on other ancient civilizations, see ...

Ancient Egypt for Kids

To use the game board below, right click, save image to your computer, and print out.