See Also:
Early Greece Unit Plan
Ancient Greek Olympics Unit
I. Introductory Information
Subject: Classical Greece
Grade & Ability level: 6th Grade
Unit Title: Classical Greece
Time Frame: 5-7 days

II. Overview and Rationale
A. Scope and major concepts
1. This unit will include lessons on:
The golden age of Athens.
The Peloponnesian War
Alexander the Great
Contributions of the Greeks
2. This unit will concentrate on language arts and cultural diversity skills.
3. The Unit will focus on student personal discovery and challenge to student to express their own ideas and beliefs concerning world events.
B. Rationale: This unit is designed for 6th-grade. The unit will broaden their horizons by showing how decisions made in one country can, and do affect other countries. It will also help prepare students for Maryland State exams by introducing concepts used in Maryland State, and U.S. government. It will also relate Greek ideas on art, literature, government, and architecture to present day U.S.
III. Objectives (C = Cognitive, A = Affective, P = Psychomotor)
TSWBAT analyze the role of slavery in maintaining the lifestyle of Athenian citizens. (C)
TSWBAT Contrast the lives of men and women in Classical Greece (C, A)
TSWBAT Identify the elements that led to the Golden Age in Athens (C, P)
TSWBAT demonstrate research skills. (C, P)
TSWBAT demonstrate presentation skills. (C, P)
TSWBAT demonstrate writing skills.
TSWBAT Identify the causes of the Peloponnesian War
TSWBAT Analyze opposing viewpoints concerning the trial of Socrates
TSWBAT Compare prewar and postwar Athens.
TSWBAT Analyze the effects of the conquering and colonizing strategies of Alexander the Great.
TSWBAT Compare Alexander's strategies for controlling his empire with those uses by previous countries.
TSWBAT Identify examples of the influence of ancient Greece on contemporary American culture and Western civilization
TSWBAT Explain the significance of the questioning approach of ancient Greek philosophers, scientists, and historians.
TSWBAT give personal judgments and express values concerning world events. (C, A)
TSWBAT broaden their personal horizons through role playing and panel work. (A, P)
IV. Evaluation Process
A. Ways to evaluate:
1. The student's participation in classroom discussions, debates, completion of assigned homework, and activities will demonstrate the students understanding of the lessons.
2. The students are given a daily drill question to answer. The students will be graded mostly on effort and attempt to answer.
3. A directed writing activity will be assigned. The students will be graded on writing skills, and the appropriateness, and content of their work.
4. A quiz on the chapter will be given. Quiz will be T/F, multiple choice.
V. Subject Matter/Skills Outline
A. Following is a list of essential thinking skills and related concepts that will be related to each days activities. Each skill will be numbered and this number will be listed at the end of each days subject matter outline. This listing of skills is taken from the Dimensions of Learning handout given by the Anne Arundel County Public Schools, Office of Staff Development, Instructional Leadership
1. Positive Attitudes and Perceptions:
A. Classroom Climate
B. Classroom Tasks
Ability/Resources to perform tasks
2. Acquiring and Integrating
A. Declarative Knowledge
Construct Meaning
B. Procedural Knowledge
Construct Models
3. Extending and Refining
Directed Teaching of Thinking Skills
Analyzing Errors
Constructing Support
Analyzing Perspectives
4. Meaningful Use of Knowledge
Directed Teaching of Dimension 4 Mental Processes
Decision Making
Experimental Inquiry
Problem Solving
5. Productive Habits of the Mind:
Critical thinking
Creative Thinking