The Iron Age Celts were a proud and honorable ancient people. Although they lived in Europe thousands of years ago, they invented things we use and enjoy today like soap! They created wonderful stories about fairies, elves, leprechauns, Welsh gods and goddesses, and dragons!

Iron Age Celts for Kids

About 500 BCE, a tribe of people called the Celts settled in modern day Ireland, Wales, Scotland, and the Isle of Man. They were fierce warriors, but they never founded an empire. They never built cities. Mostly, they lived peacefully (for these early times) in farming communities, although they would fight to protect their fines and clans and families.

The Iron Age Celts were very social. At night, villagers might gather around a central campfire to tell wonderful stories about the little people - the magical fairies and elves and leprechauns - and ways to spot them! They told stories about their many gods and goddesses. They worked together to create comfortable homes and respectful children.

Their culture lives on today in music, dance, story, and song. Come meet the hard working, clever Iron Age Celts! Like the Celtic kids who lived thousands of years ago, perhaps you too will learn how to spot a leprechaun!

Fines & Clans

Notes About Nobles

Very Poor Peasants

Fierce Warriors

Scary Druids

Fabulous Folk and Fairy Tales

Celtic Gods and Magical Beings

Celtic Festivals & Religious Holidays

Home Sweet Home - Roundhouses & Hilltops

Awesome Artisans, Celtic Cross, Celtic Knots

Bards & Music

The Welsh Dragons!

Iron Age Celts Inventions & Achievements

Spooky Stonehenge

Free Ancient Celt Online Games

Stone, Bronze, Iron Age - what's the dif?

Iron Age Celts for Teachers

Free Ancient Celts Lesson Plans and Activities

Choose Your Own Adventure (from a long and creative list of Classroom Activities and Possible Assignments)

Free Ancient Celts Presentations in PowerPoint format

Free Use Iron Age Celts Clip Art